Clever Minimalist Book Covers By Rowan Stocks-Moore

Last week we posted an article about Rowan’s Disney posters and it received such a great response that we searched out more of his work.  We were rewarded with these great takes on classic book covers.

Using muted colors and silhouettes Rowan does an amazing job at capturing the essence of each book.  You can order Rowan’s work on his Etsy Site HERE.  We are having a hard time picking a favorite.  Perhaps it is Jungle Book, NO…wait, Tale Of Two Cities?  Then again, Catch Me If You Can is pretty good too.  Ahhhh forget it, they all rock!

War And Peace

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Blurppy is a constantly changing, always evolving web entity that features articles, reviews, interviews and such from my perspective. Who am I you ask? I'm DT and if you see it on here, I like it, have it, want it, need it, lust it or simply can't afford it. How about you take a gander at my lil part of the massive web universe and if you see something that appeals to you, share it with your friends.
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