20 Compelling Reasons To Spend More Time On Linkedin And Less Time On Facebook

I saw this last evening whilst, of all things, looking for contact info for Rob Zombie.  I have kinda fallen off Facebook but will DEFINITELY be utilizing Linkedin WAY more after seeing this.  There is a really good article about this infographic HERE about WHY Linkedin is becoming such a powerful tool.  Pretty amazing considering that Linkedin has 150 million users but The Facebook has over 850 million users.  (I know, they dropped the “THE” from Facebook back in the day, I wanted to kick it old school.)  The article is definitely worth a read so go check it out.  Now I am going back to see if I can actually find a good way to get in contact with Mr Zombie.

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Blurppy is a constantly changing, always evolving web entity that features articles, reviews, interviews and such from my perspective. Who am I you ask? I'm DT and if you see it on here, I like it, have it, want it, need it, lust it or simply can't afford it. How about you take a gander at my lil part of the massive web universe and if you see something that appeals to you, share it with your friends.
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3 Responses to 20 Compelling Reasons To Spend More Time On Linkedin And Less Time On Facebook

  1. Rincewind says:

    Brilliant graphics..


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