Introducing Your Next Must Have Gadget – The Instagram Socialmatic Camera By ADR Studio

-0instagram-socialmatic-cameraThe Instagram Socialmatic Camera comes to us from the brilliant mind of   conceptional designer,  Antonio Pedrosa at ADR Studio.  After Facebook purchased Instagram for almost 1 billion dollars, fans, bloggers, economy experts  and others gave serious talks and expressed desires to have a camera built specifically for  Instagram.  Now even though the camera is still only a concept.  I bet it will catch the eyes of the big wigs at Facebook and will hopefully become a reality.  With over 90 million active monthly users sharing over 40 million photos a DAY it’s safe to say, folks love their photos!

Screen Shot 2013-03-10 at 10.50.54 PMHere is the concept behind the camera with a lot of amazing features:

– 16 GB mass storage;
– Wifi and Bluetooth;
– 4:3 touchscreen;
– 2 main lens, first for main capture, second for 3D filters, webcam applications and QR Code capturing;
– Optical zoom;
– Led Flash;
– Internal printer to make your Instagram photos real;
– Paper cartridge with Instagram Paper Sheets;
– Dedicated 4 colors ink tanks;
– InstaOs 1.0, which put together Facebook and Instagram App feature

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  • Take your photos with Instagram Socialmatic, customize your photo cool and share it directly on Facebook through the powerful InstaOs.
  • If you want, you can print it directly on Instagram Paper Sheets, thanks to the internal printer.
  • Every Instagram printed photo reports on front side your Instagram nickname and a QR code, to be followed by another Instagrammer, simply pointing his/her Socialmatic on your printed QR Code.
  • Instagram Paper Sheets will have a retro side with a glue strip, just like a post-it.

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  • On the bottom of front side of your printed photo, you can have a dedicated space to write something, just like a comment a photo on Facebook.

Screen Shot 2013-03-10 at 10.58.35 PMOk, I think it is safe to say that I would LOVE one of these!  The concept is extremely cool and would allow you to share, present and customize photos in a great new way.  PLEASE make this one come true Mr Zuckerberg…please? I’m not really any good at taking photos but this sure would make it fun.

You can follow SOCIALMATIC on TWITTER to get updates and keep your fingers crossed Zuck listens to us.

About blurppy

Blurppy is a constantly changing, always evolving web entity that features articles, reviews, interviews and such from my perspective. Who am I you ask? I'm DT and if you see it on here, I like it, have it, want it, need it, lust it or simply can't afford it. How about you take a gander at my lil part of the massive web universe and if you see something that appeals to you, share it with your friends.
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2 Responses to Introducing Your Next Must Have Gadget – The Instagram Socialmatic Camera By ADR Studio

  1. Ryan Hermann says:

    This looks to be a great device and a lot of fun.


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