Tag Archives: Paris

We’ll Give You ONE Guess What Simon Delart’s Favorite Video Game Is…

…and if you guessed Candy Crush, you are SO wrong.  The other day we showed you a SPECTACULAR Game Of Thrones piece that Simon was commissioned for and now he has set his sights on a certain best-selling video game. … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Poster Posse, Video Games | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

“The Difference Is Wonderful” An Art Exhibit Featuring New Work From Imaginism Studio’s Bobby Chiu & Kei Acedera

Imaginism Studios is made up of independent artists specializing in movie pre-production and children’s books. It’s also the home of gifted artists Bobby Chiu and Kei Acedera.  Bobby and Kei created a large part of the creatures from the movie … Continue reading

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Paramount’s New “World War Z” Banners Show Us That Nowhere Is Safe…Nowhere…

Despite rumors of discontent, rewrites etc., I am REALLY excited to see World War Z.  It violently collides my two most irrational fears, being chased and zombies into one epic tale of horror and despair.  That being said, I will … Continue reading

Posted in Movies, Poster Posse, Posters, Trailers | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

I Want To…

…take my Lego collection to the NEXT level… …see this movie… …give this a try… …pull a Costanza and sleep under my desk… …VISIT!… …pet the pretty kitty… …make sure I NEVER piss off Mother Nature… …embrace the irony…. …tell … Continue reading

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Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Tribute Show At Arludik Gallery Was Jaw-Dropping

Back in February of this year the GALERIE ARLUDIK in Paris held an incredible tribute exhibition of artwork based on the theme of Tim Burton’s masterpiece, “The Nightmare Before Christmas“.  Easily one of my favorite films of all time, it … Continue reading

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